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Its almost a month and a bit since I started working on Matric crochet dress and its looking good!!! I feel like a kid with new puzzle, can’t wait to see final picture.
New project new challenges: I’m not a big fan of fine hooks, because I hold my hook like a “knife” and after a while my fingers become sore and I have to put plaster on my ring finger:(. Yes, I know there is very nice hooks with comfy handles out there, but unfortunatly not in my area:( and I don’t have time to wait for few week for delivery. But there is always a plan!
After few weeks into my fine work and sore fingers I couldn’t “handle” it anymore… so I bought baking clay, got my pasta machine out, hooks, and camera. And in an hour I had made my own crochet hook handles.
Here’s how I did it:
You will need: Oven Bake Clay and crochet hooks.

Clay is very stiff in the beginning, so use pasta machine or rolling pin to make long & flat piece.

Trim clay piece to right size… place your hook on one side of your rectangle.

Roll your hook tightly …just like sushi roll;)

To smooth out handle – roll it gently in your palms. It should look like this.

Trim edges and finished it off with your fingers.

Please don’t forget to mark size of your hook on the handle!!! I did mine with little screwdriver or use stamp if you have one.

For extra fun and cuteness – I couldn’t resist using rubber stamps from my boys art stash.
Fold paper plate and place hooks into the grooves. Set your oven to 130C and bake for 30-40 min.

Let them cool… Ready Ta da!!

Easy and inexpensive way to make your crochet work comfortable. I have been using them for couple of weeks and no more sore fingers and plasters…Yay!
So now you know how to make your own hook handles and I really hope my instructions &pictures were helpful.
Love, Yuli xxx
P.S. – please visit my FB page for Matric dress updates;)